AngelcareRefill Cassettes (6 Pack)
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Product description
Item number: 4GXX6
E.A.N: 5 0 6 0 2 7 6 1 4 0 2 9 4These Angelcare Refill Cassettes help to keep bad smells at bay when it's nappy changing time.
Designed for use with the Angelcare Nappy Disposal System (item number 4GXX4), each bag has air-seal, multi-layer film technology that provides an effective odour-barrier to keep your home smelling fragrant.
This pack comes with 6 refill cassettes, each one lasting around a month to give you plenty of usage. The disposal system also uses less plastic as each nappy isn't individually wrapped.
Useful info:
- 6 refill cassettes
- Air-seal, multi-layer film technology
- For use with the Angelcare Nappy Disposal System
- Angelcare Refill Cassettes - 6 Pack
Important: The Angelcare Refill Cassettes (UK) are only suitable for the Angelcare Nappy Disposal System purchased in the UK or Ireland.