BraunWet & Dry Silk & Soft Bodyshaver LS 5160
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Product description
Item number: MXKWK
E.A.N: 4 2 1 0 2 0 1 1 9 2 6 1 9The Braun Wet & Dry Silk & Soft Bodyshaver is a versatile 3-in-1 hair remover.
This battery operated shaver, trimmer and exfoliation system is suitable for use on the legs, underarms and bikini line. It's also 100% waterproof and Wet & Dry, which means it can be used easily in the bath or shower.The exfoliation attachment gently exfoliates you skin while you shave for smoother results. The rounded head adapts to body contours for easy use. A trimmer cap gently removes hair from sensitive zones like the bikini line. It also includes an extra exfoliation attachment and a trimmer cap.
- Power Type: Battery
- Wet & Dry electric Lady Shaver 3-in-1 system for use in bath or shower
- Floating foil and trimmer for a close shave on legs, underarms or bikini line
- Exfoliation attachment gently exfoliates skin while you shave
- Rounded head adapts to body contours
- 2 extras: trimmer cap for bikini line and sensitive areas, exfoliation attachment
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