Harry PotterMovies: Harry Potter - Voldemort #06
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Product description
Item number: W0TTR
E.A.N: 8 4 9 8 0 3 0 5 8 6 1 6Dare to name this Voldemort Harry Potter Funko Pop!
Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, was at one point the most powerful dark wizard, aiming to limit the wizarding community to pureblood families only. When he met resistance and was defeated by Lily Potter's sacrifice to save her young son, his new goal became to defeat the very son Lily had saved then continue his oppressive plans.Help Harry Potter defeat the Dark Lord in your collection by staging the scene in your collection with Pop! Voldemort.
"He" stands approximately 3.75-inches tall.
- Depth: 6 CM
- Height: 11.4 CM
- Width: 5.5 CM
- Character: Harry Potter
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