RioFacial Sauna & Steamer with Steam Inhaler
Current price £29.99
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Product description
Item number: 73JMM
E.A.N: 5 0 1 9 4 8 7 0 8 5 3 2 0Enjoy the benefits of a spa steam treatment at home with the Rio Facial Sauna.
With a full face mask, this machine uses steam to open up the pores, helping to deeply cleanse the skin and remove impurities.An adjustable steam level and 2 heat settings give you total control, while an interchangeable steam inhaler is also included to give you instant relief from sinus congestion.
For a luxurious home spa experience, aromatherapy oils can be added for a soothing and clearing treatment.
- Deep pore cleansing and congestion relief
- Opens pores for deep cleansing
- 2 adjustable steam levels
- Steam inhaler attachment
- Essential oil vaporiser
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