RowlinsonHorizontal Slat Panel (Pack of 4)
Current price £349.99
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Product description
Item number: VGCEZ
E.A.N: 5 0 1 3 8 5 6 9 9 0 5 1 2Personalise your outdoor space with these Rowlinson Horizontal Slat Panels
Rowlinson Horizontal Slat Panels are an innovative way to bring height and shape to your garden. The screens are interchangeable so you can add a personal touch and create a unique look.All Garden Creations products are pressure treated against rot to ensure longevity, and can be painted or stained to a colour that suits you. Rowlinson Garden Creations Horizontal Slat Screens are perfect for separating areas of your garden.
- Depth: 45 CM
- Height: 1800 CM
- Width: 900 CM
- Care Instructions: Included
- FSC Approved: N
- Location: Garden
- Treatment: Pressure Treated
- Posts included
- Pressure treated against rot
- Natural timber finish
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