• Image 1 of 1 of Virgin Experience Days Digital Voucher Dive With Sharks At Skegness Aquarium
  • Image thumbnail 1 of 1 of Virgin Experience Days Digital Voucher Dive With Sharks At Skegness Aquarium

Virgin Experience DaysDigital Voucher Dive With Sharks At Skegness Aquarium

Current price £112
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Item number: VNEOX

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Virgin Experience Days Digital Voucher Dive With Sharks At Skegness Aquarium

**This product is an E-Voucher and will be instantly sent directly to your email address held on your account.**

Immerse yourself in the wonders of the underwater world, and Dive with Sharks at Skegness Aquarium.

With an experienced instructor on hand, get up close and personal with an array of incredible sea life species, ranging from bat rays and unicorn fish to black tip reef sharks and zebra sharks. Begin with an expert briefing and equipment orientation, before taking the plunge on Europe's only aquarium shark dive for complete novices using cutting-edge full face masks to optimise participant comfort.

Breathe how nature intended with state-of-the-art life support equipment, which'll allow you to breathe through your mouth or nose while the instructor gives you verbal guidance and reassurance via a diver communication device. Leading up to or following your Dive with the Sharks, explore the wonders of Skegness Aquarium. Walk under the waves, discover little-known creatures and see some of the aquarium's fantastic attractions, including the brand new Jurassic Falls Attraction.

- Minimum age: 10 (under 16s must be accompanied by an adult)
- Maximum weight: 18 stone 10lb (120kg).
- This experience is available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays throughout the year. Excluded dates may apply.

Your voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.

Location: Lincolnshire - Skegness

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